A Mind For You

Sep 24, 20197 min

The Ultimate Students Blueprint

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

Introduction to

The Ultimate Students Course

The Ultimate Students Course is originally made with one end goal in mind. That end goal is to give the students practical experiences with their ability to use mind and body for the goals and visions they have at heart. Meaning the goals and visions which you, as a student, find the most valuable and are passionate for.

Intro to The Course:

The course contains 9 steps which all teaches the same thing through different practices. That we are a force of creation and we can by mastering the skills taught in each step direct that force for what we desire to experience and create.

By using our ability to be aware, focus our attention and take action accordingly, we will with consistent effort bring what we have in mind into a shared reality - the world.

Simply put, you will learn how to use your mind and body, to work for you, to express love, an idea, a creation, a project, an invention or anything else you desire.

Ultimate Students 9 Steps Blueprint

Intro to Step #1 - Mental Health - Focus:

This first step, sets the foundation for all the other steps to be practiced and trained.

Mental Health is all about training your ability to observe, being aware of what is going on and without the need to re-act to circumstances. We train you to find natural rest in seeing what is happening effortlessly.

This also trains your ability to stay focused for longer periods of time, without allowing distraction to dictate where your attention goes. By training your ability to observe and be aware, you also gain access to more choices for what truly resonates with you.

This steps training also include the practice of forgiveness. This practice is crucial for your ability to open up for new ways of seeing life, seeing the world and the people you encounter on a daily basis. This ability also opens your heart and soul, to again feel, breathe and have the courage to bring to life, to the world, what you truly desire to express and give.

Forgiveness is an ability to empower yourself and stop letting fear limit you in doing what you love. It’s a power beyond measure to give without the need to receive something in return and the practice of forgiveness is teaching you to do that.

With the practice of those two skills, awareness and forgiveness, you may have a glimpse, a beginning of experiencing freedom, to be who you desire to be. That is the foundation we aim to build upon in all the practices going forward.

Intro to Step #2 - Intention - Feel

The second step trains your ability to set clear intentions in alignment with your “song” of expression and desires to create.

By creating a desire, you learn the ability to visualize and imagine what you want. A simple practice to look within to feel and connect with what you truly want. Spending time to really sense the energy, frequency and melody of that desire. This helps to determine if the desire resonates or is based on lack and fear.

The training includes practical steps to perform every day and by fulfilling this training you get familiar with your imagination and desires. You also learn to connect with their energetical frequency, and set it as a priority.

Intro to Step #3 - HyperFocus - Being

The third step trains your ability to think differently.

Instead of seeing yourself as a “doer” of life, you will learn to become the desired vision you want to create instead.

You will BE a great athlete instead of just doing weekly runs and other training.

You will SEE yourself FEEL yourself as a great partner, instead of just “doing” the deeds of e.g. buying flowers, compliment etc. It is a shift in mindset and attitude. You will discover yourself as complete and be coming from a place of confidence.

The 3. Step practices are done through becoming aware of how and when a decision is done. Seeing the importance of deciding who you want to be. Followed by the training in becoming your desire, by practicing the “See it Feel it Be it” practice. Again all the practices are daily integrated into your usual tasks.

To finish off this training, you will learn about the ability to see “Only This”. Meaning the ability to keep in mind ONE vision regardless of what is going on, only your desired creation. You will become one-pointed in attention, experience and action, everything else will change in your favor.

Intro to Step #4 - Intuition - New World

The fourth step is teaching you how to access your intuition and get familiar with it.

That practice includes training for developing intelligent questions. Questions that lead to answers and solutions to what you are creating, or the problems you seemingly face along the way. Using our intuition we need an inner gps, also called the emotional guidance system which is crucial to understand the solutions.

Our intuition is the one aspect in us, which knows the solutions and ways to achieve them. We practice to recognize the answers within ourselves.

Intro to Step #5 - Organize - Clarity

The fifth step will bring you clarity and an overlook for where you are right now in your life and where you are currently heading.

To really become aware of how your thinking flows, you will train the skill of mindmapping. Mind mapping has the benefit of capturing the thoughts as they pop up and keep them related to a root topic but without any linear line. That helps to bridge seemingly separate ideas more effortlessly. By bridging new ideas, concepts and thoughts with mind mapping, you are connecting and creating new synapses and neurons in your brain. This trains you to recall information in an organized, fast and visual manner.

With that skill you will integrate new behavior and take action with more consistency aligned with your vision.

Finally with practice of the Simon Sinek’s method of asking Why, How and What to really get clear on our goals, in 3 different areas of your life. Personally, Financially and “Being of Service”.

Intro to Step #6 - New Mindset - Action

The sixth step is a culmination of all the past 5 steps and will even further accelerate environmental, physical and mental changing action.

This step will make use of all the skills developed and insights gained to really pinpoint your everyday habits aligned with your larger vision and passions.

In seeing your larger vision, purpose and passions in life, you can now identify daily, weekly and yearly habits that will benefit you to create it. To experience and express that what matters most in your heart, your soul and being.

Doing your habits, your vision will begin to integrate and become appearant at an accelerated paste. Simply performing your newly acquired skills and make use of this gained knowledge you now have, 1% more every day is a new mind working for you.

From learning something to integrate it will become infinite small.

It’s time for action!

Intro to Step #7 - Planning - Co-creation

The seventh step is all about the ability to communicate your vision and priorities.

With planning you learn to structure your vision, creation and the needed effort. It’s the ability to communicate with like-minded people, organizations and building the idea at heart.

When you can structure, and control the time management and setting off time to do the work needed to create the vision. The balance of intensity, effort and relaxation comes by hand in hand. This includes the balance of work, family life and vacation time.

The training to plan your time and the discipline to pay attention to what is intended is great for finally lead the way. Your planning skills opens the door for people joining the vision and co-creating with you. This happens on a personal, financial and professional level.

Intro to Step #8 - Synergy - Confident

This eight step needs the first 7 steps to be ingrained as wisdom in the body/mind system.

This step is the first pause from intense action and daily tasks.

You will by now have developed new highways physically, emotionally, energetically and your thinking is now so powerful, you will breakthrough old limited belief systems of what is truly possible and finally become confident in your inherent ability to create.

Intro to Step #9 - Revelation - I Am a force of Creation

The final step, ninth step, is a practice of reflection and recognition.

It is to see how we always in life unconsciously or consciously have created this experience here and now. How we always have been a force of creation and now, we begin to realize its true power, its true responsibility but more importantly we now begin to recognize how we can make use of it, consciously.

As we are being revealed the “new” insights of who we truly are and what we are capable of, through practice and wisdom, we also have the opportunity to connect with that in us, which is beyond time and space.

There is a dangerous catch, when we start to identify our real powers, and that danger is, to believe we know it all. Knowing it all may easily drive one into feeling depressed and bored, which indicates it is a misunderstanding. We therefore do the practice of embracing paradox, the mystery of really not knowing how it all will turn out, nor what truly is the higher purpose of all life except for the Mystery of its unlimited ways of working and the miracle of it all happening here and now!

Grace and Amazement will be the final practice!

Final words

There is a tenth step, but that step cannot be trained nor practiced. It is a spontaneous happening, like a pull into - ?!

I am, Brian Møller Jacobsen, the founder of A Mind For You and creator of The Ultimate Students. I am truly excited for the possibilities we have together to bring life to a world of wonder, not just for ourselves but for all life among us. It is my purpose to bring awareness to this ability, through my daily practice and being here in this world. Hence the creation of the course!

Thanks for your attention and interest in the Ultimate Students Course

With love

Brian Jacobsen
