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I opened my eyes, and everything has changed...!

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

A New Mindset with Intuitive Engineering

The first-person story of mindset training with Intuitive Engineering by Brian Jacobsen

“I opened my eyes and everything has changed! As I look back to describe it, I remember laying down in my bed, and what was it I just did before? Well, some mind training and guided meditation, but the more important thing is, I am here, and I feel great!”

“At first, I couldn’t pinpoint the change that hat happened. Suddenly, I was mindblown. I looked at the same room as I always had for the last 3 months, but it looks so fresh, so new, so… alive! Yes, and how is it I am feeling? A clear, open spacious feeling, crisp and fresh. Mmm, I love it.”

So I stood up from the bed, didn’t know exactly what to do, what do I normally do? Somehow it was unclear, but hey, I feel great, let’s just flow with it! I went for a glass of water, something else had changed… something I usually pay attention to, but… OH BOY! - no way… can’t be… yep, it’s gone… just… yep, the chatter disappeared!

“My inner chatter, my inner commentator and the voice that usually speaks as if it was the most important of my attention, disappeared. No need to contemplate every step, action, though and what to do next, what if, how is that, what did she say, how did I do… blablabla. Just gone!”

“Silence, ah the silence, but not like an empty silence, no more like a complete silence fulfilling and embracing of all that is. But then, can I not think? Oh, yes, I can think when I like, but just as easily shut it off again and enjoy the scenery!”

“That’s another thing, I am noticing new things about what is in my environment and also of my body. I am noticing the softness of my breath, the steadiness of my heartbeat, and the balance. Oh my, it feels good. My action is smooth; I move smoothly, spontaneous, elegantly. No hesitation, just direct pure action as intended. Is this a dream?”

“And then a voice came to answer my question. This is what you intended it to be” It is your creation, your dream and has been a past momentary nightmare as well. That made sense! Who gave me this answer? Rather than who, what gave you this answer is your intuition, your source of knowledge, the universal knowledge at your fingertips. You must be kidding me, wausome, well that will come in handy!”

“Some time went on in this super clear state of being, until, suddenly, I woke up and yep the voice was back, my dim way of experiencing my environment, yep also back. Feeling groggy and slightly confused. But the memory, the memory of how I want to have it, how I can experience myself, my environment, my body, the silence, smoothness. It is still present!”

“How can I realign, reconnect oh, just how can I get back into that intuitive state of mind?”

“Is it a pill? Was it something I ate? nope...”

Here is the method, I encourage you to try out as I did!

Intuitive Engineering

A New Mindset In Action

Intuitive engineering is a method that puts you into a meditative state of mind, guided by a mind trainer. In that state of mind, I guide you past your old unoriginal programming, through your upbringing, schooling, own logical conclusions, etc. And with that guidance, you gain access to your free, empowered and confident being.

In that intuitive state of mind, I guide you through everyday life and capture the experience you are having, the feelings, the thoughts, the state of being. Who you see yourself be, what you desire, how you interact, all recorded for you to revisit and reconnect with whenever you get off track.

This plants the seed of memory for you, to recognize how you are when being free, empowered and confident in this world of change and judgment.

Ready to try out Intuitive Engineering?

Book a session today:

Continue here to get the science of this method and why it is so effective.

The Science of Intuitive Engineering

We will talk about brainwaves, subconscious programming, creative states and unconscious states of mind. Remember to check the list of links at the end of the post for extended explanations of the words and techniques applied.

The Intuitive Engineering Method is a guided session with one or more participants and a Mind-Trainer. Much like guided meditations. During the session, you will go through body/mind relaxation practices and enter a state of wellbeing and openness. In this state, I will take you through a series of questions to answer, to visualize and to experience. These questions act as gateways

to your subconscious and intuitive mind. In the desired state, you are to describe your current experience without analysis, without interpretation, by a technique called image streaming.

As a participant, you are being guided into different states of consciousness.

Depending on your level of resistance, you may go the whole way the first time or need a few more sessions before entering the needed level of theta brainwaves.

There may happen a few drops between theta and delta, delta being a brain wave with no environmental, physical, worldly awareness, similar to deep sleep, unconsciousness, or pure awareness. There are benefits for entering this state, but it’s not the main intent with The Intuitive Engineering Method.

In the theta-state, you experience a deep connection and oneness with the Universe. The mind trainer guides you in and out of different states of mind to teach you to remember your essence into your conscious state and later develop the ability to access it at will.

Especially in the theta-state, you are open to re-program your subconsciousness and the underlying mechanisms for your everyday activities. In this state of mind, you are receptive to new suggestions and a new supportive mindset fit to create your desires. The new insights will easily get adopted and as you return to your conscious, alpha and beta wave states of mind, you will remember this information and in return, make more valuable decisions for what you desire! The mind trainer has also recorded everything you shared in a mindmap & notes form.

Why is it so difficult to do this on your own?

The resistance factor and the old imposter syndrome

We often neglect our responsibility for what we desire to do. and let our environment dictate the way instead.

Let’s say you went to have a blast at a party, event, retreat. You experienced connectedness, love, spontaneity, and joy. People were open-hearted and giving just like you. It all felt amazing and now you can’t wait to bring more of this way of being into your everyday life.

So you come back into your “old” environment and here, your gift and this new attitude get ignored by your friends, perhaps family and likely resented too.

Our old mindset is also present in our surroundings and has a resistance to make a shift into this newly desired mindset.

The resistance comes explicitly from a misunderstanding taught early in childhood. That we need our parent’s “surroundings” acceptance for taking action and be who we desire to be. Well, as kids it was likely necessary to please our parents, as we didn’t have enough skills to make it on our own yet, so the dependence was a reality and we adopted that mindset to survive. Some parents do train their kids to have an empowered and free mindset.

Now as independent beings and capable of living on our own, we can let go of such neediness of acceptance from our environment and take full responsibility for our actions and values.

Embrace full empowerment and fast forward to our new behavior and quickly shift into a new supportive environment reflecting that new core-frequency we receive in that event, party or retreat.

So with a mind trainer, the shift happens easily by acceptance of the old mindset, facing the imposed fears that hold us back, too, with guidance, see them no longer relevant and go through or around this resistance.

Empowered and Free
Our Inner Dragon

When people try this on their own, it often takes years to identify the self-sabotaging behavior, but if that is what you truly feel for, then it is possible!

The same goes with the imposter syndrome.

This is like the resistance described above, resisting to act and feel as we desire. But this time instead of needing our environments support and acceptance, we have adopted a subtle mindset, that put us down into believing we are unworthy of our new joy and happiness.

This unworthiness comes by subtle momentarily shift in states of mind, as feeling great and then back into feeling ashamed or guilty for whatever reason the “imposter” within can find to hit you with. We may have adopted the imposter syndrome during an experience in childhood or later on, while someone was expressing narcissistic behavior towards us.

Judgment & Blame

Narcissistic behavior is often to put other people down, to bring themselves up. Needing someone to blame, and that may have been us. After a while, if we believed those judgments, we adopt the imposter syndrome into our mindset.

The guidance and support of a mind trainer will avoid these traps and obstacles of unconscious self-sabotage and make faster results.

Get in contact with a mind trainer here:

Conclusion and summary

Our access to everyday thoughts, actions, and ideas generated subconsciously in our minds are changeable. With Intuitive Engineering and Step #6 in the Ultimate Students Course, you learn that skill through practice.

A new mindset creates a new experience instantly. There are no in-between or steps to make. As soon as you have adopted the new mindset, it’s yours. With all the gifts, it will reveal for you to discover.

To create a new mindset, I have personal experience with the Intuitive Engineering Method, which directly trains and positions you at the driver’s seat.

Imagine enjoying a Tesla instead of your old car. Nothing wrong with the old car, but now it is time for something new!

You can buy a new Tesla Model 3 for just around 35.000USD. But you still have to deal with your old mindset during traffic, and whenever you’re not in the car.

Tesla Roadster

You can access your desired mindset and empowered state of being with The Ultimate Students Course or Private Mind Training, for a fraction of that price.

You will enjoy this gift in all areas of your life, relationships, training, career, and even driving your new Tesla!

Take action today - as tomorrow will never give it away!

Brian Jacobsen

Thank you so much for reading this far and please share this post with anyone you see will benefit. Give your feedback and please ask any questions you might have in the comment section below.


Brian Jacobsen

The List of Links:

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