A Mind For You

Oct 16, 20196 min

I KNEW IT! - Your Intuition

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

Intuition - A clear bright mind!


I know what it is, but I can’t really describe it. I see something in my mind, a solution to a problem, a vision, an idea but I didn’t sit down and did any deliberate logical reasoning for it.

I just sense that something is going to happen and I take action as if that is the case. This is what I call Intuition!


We have not yet pinpointed a 100% for what out intuition is, or how it functions. We have described some characteristics of what intuition can be, but as you look up the word on Wikipedia, you’ll see that there are many different versions of what intuition is.

I’ll give you my experience of my intuitive sense and the relation to Step #4 in The Ultimate Students Course.

For the other definitions of Intuition please check out Wikipedias here. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/intuition

My experience of intuition:

As I have gone about in my experience of life, sudden knowings have occurred. Knowing as in a sense of calm seeing or AHA - moment. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to these moments, they just happened and felt natural.

Throughout schooling and university and the more I learned to apply the method of deductive reasoning the more, I became aware of my ability to have sudden moments of simply KNOWING. The contrast of using calculations, reasoning and simply SEEING something which made sense in all aspects for that moment, became more and more apparent.

After devoting my beliefs to science I had to re-learn and re-member how to understand the way my intuition presented me with answers and solutions. Cause honestly I had logically ridiculed it for being unscientific and therefore I wasn’t really listening during my studies.

As I reflect back on one of the times when I really noticed my intuition, was an evening dinner just 20 minutes before my motorcycle accident. I often went in my break from work, to eat with my girlfriend's family. I would drive on my motorcycle, eat and drive back. Usually, I would enjoy a single beer, and in Denmark at that time, it was completely legal, but for some reason this evening, I distinctively felt like having milk. Later on, on the way back to work, I crashed, in an accident, breaking my ankle, snapping the bones and some other minor scratches.

The police came and so did an ambulance. If I would have had any alcohol in my body at that time, I would have been deemed full responsibility for the accident. Instead of the driver overruling his right of way to drive.

From then on, I started unconsciously at the time to connect deeper with my Intuition, started to have visions and moments of clarity for what needed to be done to retrain my leg and ankle, what to do for getting back on track and so forth.

Again it was just a simple sense of knowing. The doctors said I might never run again, while in my mind I simply knew, Yes I will, period. So I took action and trained accordingly. Again, remember at the time this was not really conscious of me, just a spontaneous recognition and sense of knowing.

But it hasn’t been until recently I really started to access intuitive recognition through conscious meditation. I realized that in happy, joyful, peaceful and silent moments, no thoughts, just plain being, and full engagement. Here my intuition works fluently, as I'm in flow or in zen doing what matters to me.

So what is intuition to me and in my experience? It is an awareness of possible creations and a clear perception of what is here and now. It’s a state of being where I feel at one with the entire cosmos and all just makes sense for whatever is presented.

I also discovered that in states of anger, fear, grief, and shame my intuition is blocked. In this state my mind troubles with logical reasoning for how to solve problems, without really finding that SPOT ON solution. This is not intuition to me, but a veil of fear that dominates my seeing instead of the pure intuitive recognition.

So how to access intuition?

The state of mind is crucial for accessing your intuition. A focused state of mind, intentionally creating or simply being in joy, abundance, clarity, peace, and love is the right state for working intuitively. These are creative states and hence have access to “the intelligence” of source, creation.


While as mentioned before, a state of mind, being in grief, fear, shame, guilt, anger or pride, here intuition is blocked and instead, neediness is displayed and then a logical way is deducted to get it. Here thinking and feeling often perspectives everything as outside of ourselves and the overall state of being is a sense of lack and struggle.

The map of Consciousness by David Hawkins.
I have noticed heightened perception and my intuitive state to occur frequently whenever I am in the power-states shown in the chart below. Power states start from Courage and upward. Forceful states are from Pride and downward.

So get excited!

Start with just getting excited about accessing your intuition. Flow with this powerful energy. Make your state of mind, your frequency, your first priority. As you do so, the answers for whatever you have been struggling with will come effortlessly into your awareness and daily life experience.

You have likely heard of practicing to be thankful for what is and what you have.

The practice of being thankful is likewise a higher frequency where we have access to our intuition and so, act, think and see intuitively.

Cautions for misunderstanding intuition and its opposite, fearful creations:

I knew it wouldn't work out, it is the same as I knew it would work out. Our intuition simply shows the frequency we are in. In a destructive frequency, you will have destructive thoughts, but as you train your new skills and understanding for your thoughts and emotions, you will simply shift into a new mindset - A skillset of the Ultimate Student.

When we start to make logical reasons in our mind, visualizations and such, we are not really using our intuition, but justifying why we can’t perform exactly as desired.

Always first and foremost, check your current frequency and make it a priority to be in a heightened state of mind. When practiced and you get steady in it, you may start to be guided intuitively and spontaneously.

Activate your intuition:

Our intuition works splendidly when we have decided what we want to create. Then it can guide us along the path for that creation to manifest.

To activate your intuition, start with moving, doing something and then pay attention to the emotional guidance system as it will start to tell you if you are on the right track or not.

The right track in what you do, what you decided to create but also if you are looking at life and its creations in alignment with what you are.

As we include everything and everyone in our experience, no separation, we begin to see more intuitively and therefore creatively.

But when we separate ourselves, pridefully, hatefully and shamefully, then we deny ourselves access to our intuition because it works for all and not just for the individual as a separate entity.

Logic & Intuition

Intuition and how to train this ability:

Step #4 Intuition - New World is a skillset training that enables us to access our intuition at will. That's beneficial for the projects and daily tasks we have at hand because with higher perspectives and clear perception we can make solutions that work better than before.

The training in the course is focused on developing the right questions, open-minded and directly solution-oriented. Secondly, we train through daily practice to recognize and understand the emotional guidance system which our intuition uses to turn our attention and focus on what it has to offer. When these two skills have been practiced we start to become aware of solutions and learn to employ them step by step.

The Ultimate Student Course - A reprogramming of your mind

The difficulty is to reprogram the shooled mind, which has been taught to work, mainly based on science and other people's insights rather than our own potential to see the exact solution as it is right now this awesome moment.

Keep in mind though, it's not about only working intuitively and then abandon our logical reasoning. It's about combining and balancing both options and to use them as what they are beneficial for. This is all covered in the course through practical exercises and training, which by the way, is tailor-made to fit into the projects and challenges of each student respectively.

Final Words:

Thank you so much for reading along and I hope it gave you some angles and insights to your intuition and how to work with it more consciously.

You may be curious about what this Ultimate Student Course is all about, and how to access it and see more of it.

Please check out this link to find the course and write you questions immediately to:


Thanks for your attention and remember this:

Your joy is my joy, your learning is my learning, as all is connected!

Yours truly,

Mind trainer and Founder

A Mind For You

Brian Jacobsen
